Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Final Note from Show Choir Concert

Not the best photo--but truly one of the blessed moments of the concert.  

A simple start--Robert in his wheelchair with obvious difficulties with movement, body control, and talking was preparing to sing his solo.  Despite things working well at the practice right before the concert, the music and words on his tablet wouldn't load up when it was his turn.  Out of the audience his father came to help.  As he walked up, I saw this gray-haired very distinguished looking man and I wondered about him.  He looked like a lawyer or maybe a professor--definitely carried himself as a confident and successful person.  I am sure that when his son was born, he may have had plans which were different than the wheelchair and care his son required now.  Maybe to be a sports star or follow his father's vocational path.  However, what I saw as the father stood there and held a phone where a resourceful student had pulled up the music and words was a giant of a man who loved his son.  His love for his son was visible and powerful.

And then for a brief moment, I saw myself standing behind Jena and all of the parents in the room at the side of their children during the highs and lows of those individual journeys.  Giver and receiver--those titles are meaningless in these moments.  For all of us give and we all receive. It was a moment I will treasure forever and be eternally grateful that Jena lead me here.
And Robert's song that night:  "Amazing Grace."

Of course--what else could it have been?

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