Sunday, November 13, 2016

Progress on our little Library...

The Library is now in Syracuse...actually in our kitchen as we work on painting it.  I am so excited that we are getting close to having it ready for our Grand Opening.  I am hoping to get it ready for the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as I don't have school that night, but the glass for the doors hasn't arrive yet.

I am excited to have this little library and I hope it becomes a fun spot in our neighborhood.

I have completed the red and the sealant over the interior (as I wanted to keep the wood look there). Tomorrow we will begin work on the white trim.  Gary then will do the "roofing"--thanks to John Nelson for donating some shingles for us.

In addition to a signed copy of my sister's book "Ideal High", I have had another donation for my library.  A friend of Vonette's, Kitty, attended Nikki's farewell a couple of Sundays ago and happened to have a couple of Christmas Children's books in her car that she was going to donate so she gave them to me.

Exciting because I will be having a month of Christmas books to read in the library!!!  Did I mention that I LOVE books?!!!!

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