Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In the middle of all the parties....

I actually made a Quilt (since it is after Christmas I can reveal that now as it was a gift for my mother-in-law).  Chantel was also busying sewing as well as she made a quilt for Scott for Christmas.  I had my quilt machined quilted which was the first time I ever have done a quilt like that.  Chantel tied hers.  This was her first quilt and she did it all by herself.  She and I attended a quilting class that my ward did in November and then we looked details up on YouTube when we had questions.

Here are our quilts:

Grandma Hall's Christmas Quilt

It started with this fabric which actually has "Holly"
on the fabric which is her name.  All the other fabric
was chosen to match this.

Chantel getting ready to put her quilt on the quilting
frames.  It turned out beautiful and Scott was very
thrilled and surprised.
Next quilting project--a quilt for Jena's bed as we are planning to repaint and redo it in January or so.

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