Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Grocery-Bike Adventure

Ben's bike adventure:  With his new bike he rode to his bus stop, popped the bike on the bus racks, and headed out to the places he needed to go.  After his things were done at Journey House, he decided to ride his bike to a nearby grocery store to buy a new bus pass for the month of October.  Thing went perfect, found the store, bought the pass and then decided it would be convenient to do his week shopping that night.  Good idea and seemed doable at the time.

He put some in his backpack and then tied the rest of the groceries onto a flat rack over his back tire.  Riding home by bike rather than taking the bus.......something happened.  No one is sure exactly what but the grocery sack got caught in the spokes and then the tire popped into large pieces which also got stuck in the spokes and gears.  Ben handled it himself by carrying his bike with his grocery tied on the last mile to him.  Good job for him....not so good for the bike!

His bike is now sporting a basket. He enjoys using a bike to get to and from the bus stops and for short errands.  It is tack weed season right now so he has had to deal with flats as well.

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