Thursday, September 9, 2010

Okay, I know I am "geekish"...

...notice that I am not fully commiting to be a geek.  However, I like the weather and I am even writing a post about it and I understand that there are those who consider that to be odd or "geekish", so be it.

Did you notice the clouds today?  In northern Utah, they were amazing---black rain clouds, white fluffy ones, and blue sky peeking out here and there.  They were most beautiful when I was walking earlier this morning but I took these pictures later.  Texas always had great clouds as well...little sparse in much of Hong Kong..hopefully you enjoyed the sky whereever you were at.

Side note:  During the time we lived in Hong Kong and I started typing letters to my parents on our new home computer, I kept a copy of all the letters I wrote in a binder to serve as "somewhat poor" journal.  When you read the letters back to back you can notice the pattern--almost each time I started off with a comment about the weather which for Hong Kong usually meant "hot, humid, rain".  I apparently am not too creative.

                              Hopefully you are having awesome weather whereever you are.

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