Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quick Jena Up-date

We had another post-op appointment and the doctor gave Jena some great news.  She can now eat gradually eat more solid food, although she will need to conitue to avoid very crewy or tough food like candy bars and steak which is easy for her since she doesn't like those.  She is excited because he told her she can have CHIPS.  She hasn't try them yet, because it is still a bit of a production to chew and swallow things but she might try chips for her after school snack.

Things were all looking great.  The plan is to return in 2 months and take a cranial x-ray.  If her healing is completed, then they want to do surgery the next week.  So we are tentatively set for Feb. 12th.  She should just be in the hospital 3-4 days and out of school for about 2 weeks again.

And yes, I have slowly begun removing my Thanksgiving stuff and soon our Halls will be decked with folly...(poor pun, I know, but it is Christmas............)

1 comment:

Robynn said...

So glad to hear the good report! Go Jena and Go Halls for Decking your Halls! You rock! Love, Rob