Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Release

The three of us met with our Stake President, President Nussbaum, at 9:00 pm at the Stake Center in Syracuse.  I didn't know what to expect, but it was a sweet meeting in which we spoke about our experiences in the mission field, shared our testimonies and listened to our Stake President share sweet comments to us about our service and our discipleship.  There were lots of tears by all of the most, of course.

When President Nussbaum issued the formal release, he quoted the words from the formal release certificate from the Church.  They are amazing so I am copying them here:

"You are honorable released from your sacred calling as a full-time missionary.  No greater service can be rendered than to labor faithfully for the Savior in the salvation of souls.  The gratitude of those who have benefited from your unselfish labors will always be a source of satisfaction and encouragement to you.

May the joy that has come from conscientiously performing your duties as a missionary abide with you ad inspire you with a constant devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, who you have served."

This was signed by President Douglas Homes, our mission president.

And I cried some more!

There was no formal---take off your tags now--moment, but that evening as we returned home, there was a moment as I removed the tag from my sweater and also the one from my coat.  It wasn't really a moment of sadness--although I have had those feelings over the past couple of days--but it was a feeling of completeness--we had done what we were asked to do and it was done.  It was a feeling of peace and joy and of gratitude!  How blessed we are to have had such a choice experience.

I do think my sadness is lessened because we are leaving on our next mission in a month and we will wear missionary tags again.

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