Sunday, February 12, 2023

"Old" Friends

I had to take Ben to a doctor's appointment on Friday, February 3 later in the afternoon...and decided at the last minute to tack on a visit with my sweet friend, Eileen Bradford.  "Old" friends---people you have known for a long time...and you can not see for days, months or even years...and can step right back into conversation like you saw each other last week.  Eileen is a "Hong Kong" friend so we met in 1987.  How lucky I feel that our paths crossed at that time and that our friendship has grown over all of that time.

My mom treasured friends and I count it as one of the gifts she gave me.  Women were to be gathered and kept and loved with all of your heart.  They were not your competition.

Thanks, Eileen, for that conversation...and all of the conversations in the past and here to hoping for many more in the future!

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