Sunday, July 24, 2022

Pioneer Day Weekend

Pioneer Day celebrated the early members of the Church as they entered into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847 under the direction of Brigham Young.  It is a legal holiday in Utah and this year that means a three day weekend.

We actually had/have a quiet weekend planned.  Saturday we started with a pancake breakfast at Sister Dixon's apartment downstairs.  She had invited some of the Temple Square missionaries and 24 companionships showed up---the line was around the room and out the hall for awhile.  Those sweet missionaries were so friendly and kind.  And one of them was Korean and helped us talk to our Korean couple about some recent health concerns.  Fun times--and her friend's special recipe for pancakes was yummy.

See Gary as the doorman....
Jena headed to the parade with Sister Dixon while we headed upstairs to take care of household tasks and other things that needed doing.  We watched the parade on TV and then Gary headed down and joined them and other missionaries for the last part.

The view after 50 missionaries eat breakfast!

Jena headed to the parade with Sister Dixon while we headed upstairs to take care of household tasks and other things that needed doing.  We watched the parade on TV and then Gary headed down and joined them and other missionaries for the last part.

Saturday afternoon and evening, I hung out with Jessica and the kids taking care of some medical items that needed done and just having some time with the kids.

Today (Sunday)  the actually July 24th holiday:  We attended Church in Kaysville to hear Sister and Elder Carter speak in their "homecoming."  We was great to see them and to hear their stories of pioneer ancestors. After recounting the stories of one of his ancestors, Elder Carter said, "After learning all of the things that he went through in his life, it is a small thing if I am asked to board up my house and leave to serve for 2 years."  It is a small thing that we have been asked to sacrifice to serve our God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.  How lucky are we!

We made a few quick stops on the way home--a visit with the McNeills, good friends who are moving to Grace, ID, drop off a wedding gift at the Burtons for a son who got married when we had Covid--better late than never, and then a short visit with Allan at the memory care unit.

Tomorrow will be another quieter day with a home visit with Ben and then a very busy and crazy week ahead.  Our granddaughter will be having brain surgery on Tuesday to correct compression due to a Chiari Malformation--the same surgery her twin had in 2021.  They are not identical so it is interesting that they both had the same thing.  It does run in families though. She will be at Primary's Children's Hospital which is about 15 minutes away--another sweet blessing of serving in Salt Lake.  I will be making a few trips to Syracuse to help there as well.  I hear neighbors are bringing food for dinner a few nights which is so great....and that is on top of the normal mission stuff, Ben's pending colonoscopy, the Josh Groban concert (hopefully) and the list goes on.....

Happy Trails to all of you!  Hope your journeys are amazing, too.

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