Sunday, July 24, 2022

Glimpses Of Mission Life

When I thought we were leaving this mission in September, I had decided that I needed to make sure that I have photos of some of the daily "going ons" in our daily mission life.  So, despite the fact that we aren't leaving until February 23, 2023 (We got the official email this weekend.), I decided to capture every day moments--

Our mission office in on the 3rd floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on the east side of the building.
Gary and Jena using their badges to open the mission office door---have I mentioned that they have a spread of candy and granola bars on the secretary's desk?  My favorite is the York patties which I never buy but enjoy once in a while (Scott was our York patty lover!)
While the Temple Square plaza is under construction, we head down to the lower level where I took the photo of a photo hanging on the wall there of the JSMB at night.
Then we turn the corner and head through the back hallways--security pass needed....
and through the dock...
which takes you into the Church Office Building parking lot and then to the tunnel to the Church History Library.  It is a bit of maze until you are used to it.

I went up to the 3rd floor on day and stopped in to visit Sister Marianne Jones and look what she had posted on her cubicle wall---right in the middle of these row of women is my good friend, Laurie Hoer.  Laurie and her husband have just gotten back from their second mission to the Middle East where they served as humanitarian missionaries.  They are amazing.  I took this photo and sent it to Laurie and she loved it!  She said it was taken during their first mission which was to Egypt.

The caption is the best:  "The cream of the crop from the covenant keepers--the women who dared to serve in the Middle East/North Africa."  Sister Jones does oral histories with people from the Middle East and those who have served there doing humanitarian projects there.  As you can tell, she has fallen in love with that part of the world and the Saints who serve there.  She has some amazing stories to tell--but she can't tell them--because of safety issues, most of her oral histories will be restricted for 50-75 years.

I decided we needed a picture of a morning prayer meeting.  We meet on the 2nd floor in the Winter Quarters Room.  We also do it over Teams so that remote missionaries can take part.

Trying to get the whole room by taking a picture through the windows in the hallway--that is why there are green leaves in the reflection from outside.  But this is a perfect moment--Gary on the left getting the camera ready for the recordings and for the remote people to see the whole room, Sister Dixon managing the computer for the meeting, and Sister Young sitting at the piano playing to prelude.  We hold this meeting from 8:40-8:55 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Elder Dinger is conducting on this day....
And of course, Sister Hall the younger is leading the music.

And lastly, heading home in the July heat from work---Elder Hall looking cute with his suitcoat over his shoulder. photos of me but trust me, I was there to enjoy these missionary moments, too!

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