Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Rest Of Life

Despite having four extra people around, we did have other things that happened this summer in between all of that play and fun.

Jena, Ben and I attended Ben's work party at the Allegiant Game Center in July:

Jena and Ben ready for Laser tag

Virtual Reality Ride
Meggan Sparrow has begun volunteering with us at Centerpoint so we stayed and watched "My Fair Lady" one afternoon after we ushered and took this photo with some props.
 Meeting some of the cast:

Jena signed up for a bike camp in Park City and we spend a few summer evenings up there.  The people are amazing and they have some many different types of bikes to help people learn to ride.
Tandem biking---
Recumbent bike:

Jena had a YSA activity at Willard Bay:
Nature hike at Willard Bay
Jena is on one of the kayahs out in the water.
Gary still had bookwork and accounting stuff that he does for a local builder which keeps him busy especially at the end of each month and the start of the next one.  He serves in our local Elders Quorum presidency as well.  And of course, he is the yard and maintenance and computer guy for our house for which we are so grateful.

I can't imagine how this summer would have worked if I had still been working at The Children's Center.  Although I miss it, there is always a peace in knowing that you listened to a prompting and followed through with it.  Back in November when I made this decision, I had no idea what the summer was going to include, but now I do and I am glad that I was here to be present with my kids and grandkids rather than at work--even though I know that my work there is also a positive and good thing.  Life is constantly about making decisions and following the promptings even if the way is not always clear.

My garden also grew this summer:

my Okinawa fish in their hanging spot


 My more giant ones which I planted this year.

I love them and appreciated their beauty each time I sat in the yard this summer.

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