Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sunday: Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday to

Grandpa Giberson, Tosha, me, Scarlett, and Scott!!

Since this was the last time for awhile that we will be together, we decided to celebrate the June and July birthdays together.  It was actually Tosha's birthday so that was extra special since it has been awhile since we were together on her birthday.

Ava got tired before things even started and took a quick nap in grandpa's arms while we were getting things ready for dinner.
What can be better than spaghetti with nine kids under the age of 5?

Carter and Alex approved as well even though they couldn't eat outside with the big kids.

Cake time
Great grandma Hall and Grandpa and Karla Giberson joined us for dinner and cake--those are some good sports!

Liam was so excited to give their Father's Day gift to Gary.  Gary's has a pizza missing a piece and Liam's shirt has the missing piece.

Some cousin moments:

Cooper and James were heading off on an adventure of their own.  Fortunately, adults were in the area to prevent too much excitement.
Grandpa cuddling Scarlett before she heads home....

I admire people who remember to get those posed shots of everyone at the dinner table where you can see everyone's face or they line up the grandchildren and get a good shot.  These photos are the spur of the moment, action in place shots...and in real life, it was a lot noisier but good!

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