Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mortal Body

Sometimes, I actually realize that I am 64 years old and I can't do things exactly how I think I should be able to do them.  This summer I have been pleased with how well my body has managed since I am not in that great of physical shape.  I was able to make all of these road trips and keep up with three little kids (well, with lots of help from Tosha and Gary.) and just have fun.  I was actually feeling quite proud of myself and feeling very blessed as well.

Until I got out of the car in Cedar City---since that time, I have dealt with hip pain that has not been fun and it has been downhill from there.  When I first went to the doctor, my concern was sciatica which I had had before and I just wanted it treated and gone before my next trip to Seattle in 10 days and then our Europe trip in mid-September.  The on-call doctor was leaning more towards herniated disk which I have never had and wasn't planning to start now.  Progress has not been steady despite resting, not lifting too much over 10 lbs. and keeping moving.  The keeping moving part isn't too bad.  Standing is still by far the most painful.  Sleeping is not great as it is a constant movement of pillows, alternating between the heating pad and the ice pack, and changing from bed to chair to couch to bed again through the nights.  Going back to the doctor today to make sure that I am still okay to travel to Europe next week.

The downside of all of this (well, in addition to the pain and the lack of sleep) was that I had to miss out on some of the last week of fun activities we had planned including our cousin overnighter scheduled with Liam and Zander.  I have read lots of books and watched some old movies and TV shows while they were off having fun.

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