Sunday, September 8, 2019


We were going to have Liam and Zander spend the night with us while Jessica and Elessia went camping to see a meteor shower. However since the doctor had told me to take it easy for a few days,  they took all four kids camping and had a good time and stayed two nights.  They were up in Ogden Valley on the North Fork, a place we used to take the kids to play in the water, too.

Water was a bit cold!
Two can be better than one

 Sweet moment camping.....

While they were off in the mountains, Gary, Jena, and Tosha and the three kids were busy having fun down here:

The RUSH--

The next day was Utah Down Syndrome Foundation Day at Lagoon---

And then there was the hanging out at Grandma's day after all of that fun.

Niki's fifth birthday was on the last Friday they were in town and they packed in as much fun as they could plan:


Breakfast at Kneader's with Grandpa, Jena, and Grandma Hall:

Then we headed to a nearby park to show the kids the funny black and white cows and let them play for a few minutes  (while Gary and Tosha played their Harry Potter game!)
Tosha and family then headed to Mountain Green where they had a party with Austen's mom and her parents--Grams and the Colonel.   
He was excited about his outfit
Then he was off to his other grandparents--Tom and Michelle Russell--Austen's dad and step-mother and time for more partying with his aunts and uncles and more cake!
When you live away from your family, you are pretty lucky if you get to spend your birthday with so many grandparents in one day.  What a bonus!  (Of course, it was sad that Austen was far away, but thank heavens for Facetime so that Niki could share his day with his dad.)

You can tell that we let the fun times roll this last week!!

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