Sunday, March 9, 2025

Throwback Monday

Since Monday was our anniversary, it seems good to throw in some "throwback" pictures--I hope to write our family history over the next few years and then these and other pictures will be together in a more meaningful way, but here are a couple--

I had very strong opinion about announcements--1. the focus should be on the wedding and where it was taking place; 2. although I wanted yellow announcements the printer suggested that this ivory was better for pictures, etc. He was probably right; 3.  I wanted the "new" style folded casual announcements rather than the two envelope formal announcements which were still popular then I am not very formal; 4.  I didn't want to use Judith but that is the one thing I regret because from a family history point of view it would have been better to have my complete name; and 5.  Ever since I heard this quote as a teenager, I wanted it on my announcement---and I also hope now that it will be on our gravestone-- "Thou lift me and I'll lift you And we'll both ascend together."

my parents, Gary, me, Gary's parents
Not sure why we took the photo this way,
but I like it.  Our parents supported both of us
from the very beginning.
The cake eating part of the reception in Amarillo.

As we were talking through the day about what we remembered from 47 years ago, one thing I mentioned to Gary was that from the moment we got engaged in December of 1977, I never doubted that this was what was next for me and that it was right.  I didn't have a powerful witness of that until shortly before we got married, but I had a confidence that I was moving in the right direction.  That has been proven true over and over again in the past 47 years.  We are so lucky God directed our paths in specific ways to make the timing, the place, and the connections to be right.

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