Sunday, March 9, 2025


Gary has a new calling.  I just reviewed the posts and realized that I hadn't mentioned that last week.  He was sustained as the assistant executive secretary in our ward and his primary job is to arrange appointments for the two counselors in the bishopric.  He is also in charge of arranging prayers for sacrament meetings.  He added a few meetings to his week--Tuesday evening Bishopric meetings and also Sunday morning Bishopric meetings at 6:30 am.....his first Sunday one was this morning which unfortunately was also the switch to Daylight savings time. He was a bit tired when he got home today.  I know if I needed a secretary/clerk type of person, I would want Gary on my team, too.  He is organized and follows through on his assignments with diligence.  The executive secretary is Craig Pessetto, one of our closest friends and neighbors so they will have fun working together with the other bishopric members. Randomly, Craig and Michelle are heading to Australia the week before we leave for New Zealand. They took a vote in last Tuesday's bishopric meeting and everyone wants to go with us to New Zealand over Australia.  The world is an interesting place and I am excited to hear about their adventures in Australia.  I don't think we will make a trip there (although we are flying to Brisbane to catch our plane to Christchurch, but that doesn't really count.)

Do you think we will get to take vacations in the eternities and to visit the cool places on earth we didn't get to see?

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