Sunday, March 9, 2025

Snap Shots From The Week

Early in the week after some mountain snow, I took a shot of the mountains to send to one of the young adults in Arkansas.  She has never been to Utah yet.  Arkansas hills are beautiful and Utah mountains are as well--each in their own way.

And later glancing at my sideview window, I caught a glimpse of the setting sun---the pinks against the clouds was so beautiful that I had to stop and get a picture.  Luckily, I was in a parking lot so stopping was okay.

Then on Thursday night, Jena had to go to her stake center and have her temple recommend interview with a member of her Stake Presidency.  She met with President Bair.  We had never met him before, but it was a sweet experience for all of us since he invited me in to her interview with her permission. She then attended an Institute class and stayed for food afterwards.  She is so brave.  She just walked into a room with lots of people and found a seat and enjoyed herself.

On our way home for her Stake Center--more "perfect" views....

Our Syracuse Temple.....

We pulled over to get a good photo
How great is that.  This temple is a tribute to all of the good people who settled this part of the state many years ago.  Three more months until the temple is dedicated.

One more shot from the week---My white blood cells have been off a bit over the past few months, so my doctor sent me to a specialist who took 14 tubes of blood and ordered other tests and we will see him again AFTER our trip to New Zealand.  No worries from our end at this point, because I have few symptoms to be concerned about.  However, I did like this sign posted at the lab.  14 isn't much according to the lab tech.  She once took 54 tubes from one person at one time.  I can't even imagine that. 

Hope it makes you smile, too! :)

Look around and enjoy the beautiful things in your world (and also the quirky or funny things, too.)

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