Sunday, March 6, 2022

Oral Histories

We did oral histories of mission leaders on Feb. 23rd (Mullens-Washington Spokane), Feb. 24th (Southwards-Idaho Pocatello), Feb. 25th (Strongs-Arkansas Bentonville) and March 2 (Funks- Alaska Anchorage) plus two more pre-interview phone calls for oral histories coming up in the next few weeks.  They have been so different and yet similar as you hear how the Lord helps these mission leaders guide, teach, and love their missionaries.

No pictures to post or stories to tell.  The histories will make their way into the Church History Catalog and become a part of the permanent records of the Church.  In the Doctrine & Covenants, the church was told in Section 21:1 : "Behold, there shall be a record kept among you;" then later we read in Section 82:1-2 "It is the duty of the Lord's clerk, whom he has appointed, to keep a history, and a general church record of all things that transpire in Zion, .... And also their manner of life, their faith, and works;..."

As we take these interviews, we are adding to that store of history of God's dealings with his people.

Of course, those directives can be applied to us as well as individual people.  Watching parts of the ROOTS TECH 2022 on March 3-5th with many other sessions still to be viewed on my playlist, we are all been reminded that there is much that we can and should do to help remember the stories of the past, document our own lives, and prepare our stories to be shared in the future.  It is an amazing world we live in and so many ways to capture stories and images of our lives--but we still need to actually DO IT!  

Those we have interviewed frequently thank us for the opportunity to share and to record some of their precious experiences.  They get a copy for their own records.  Each time, I am reminded that I too must do better to record the important experiences of my life.  The blog is clearly a piece of that and I am grateful for the tools that have made this possible.  However, there are other stories to share and photos to see.  Since I haven't yet accomplished that goal of being a journal keeper, I need to find another way to make that happen.  Stay tuned!!

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