Monday, February 21, 2022

Another Friend Found

I was using Member tools to find addresses to mail out my Happy Chinese New Year Cards and noticed  new but familiar names- Karen and Wayne Beckstead.  I knew a Karen and Wayne Beckstead in West Jordan over 40 years ago.  In addition, that Karen was the sister of one of my high school friends from Richland-David Ord.  I looked for them at Church when we visited yesterday, but didn't see them and so asked about them.  They actually just left a few weeks earlier for the MTC.  Using their email, I sent an inquiring email off to them to see if they were the SAME Becksteads.  Within minutes, I got an response and we started exchanging and catching up with each other over messenger.  She added me on Facebook and later added other Richland friends from my friends list who were also happy to hear from her.  

She and her husband are assigned to the Massachusetts Boston Mission, Portuguese speaking.  He served a mission to Brazil in the mid-1970s.  They will support a ward in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  They had just arrived to their mission about 3 days ago.

The reason they showed up on our records is that they sold their home in Idaho and stayed for a couple of months with their daughter, Amy Moore.  Of course, we knew and loved Amy Moore and her family.  We just didn't know that they were connected to Karen and Wayne.  We probably knew Amy as a pre-schooler back in West Jordan.  Gary and I had taught their grandson, Mason, in one of my favorite Primary classes ever.

So fun to make these connections and through social media and cell phones reconnect.

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