Sunday, May 26, 2019


I have already revealed that I keep way more than the 30 books that Marie Kondo suggests are needed in a household.  Books are something that bring me joy and even looking at them can bring me memories--both of the stories that are within their covers, but also of the times when I may have first read that book or the way that it impacted many sweet things are connected to books.

However, due to our Little Free Library, we also had 6 totes and several boxes of books.  It was getting out of hand, so my main project on my first day of "no-work" was to organize and take care of the extra books.

As I posted on Facebook:  (two posts in two days is very unusual for me.)

"The Walnut Grove Little Free Library has clean windows and a complete change out of books and a few puzzles for these rainy days. Due to your generous donations of books, we also have a large tote of children's books for Davis Behavioral Health's little library, two boxes of children's books for a local shelter, and two boxes of adult books for the DI. This doesn't show the basket of books I took to the Children's Center yesterday to celebrate my last day for the kids who sit in our waiting room every day. I also pulled out a few to add to my bedroom nightstand stack. Thanks to everyone who makes the library such a success and KEEP READING BOOKS!"

To DBH.....
To the DI and the local Women's Shelter

 A few books I pulled out to add to my reading list---

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