Sunday, November 5, 2017

Saturday night at our house.....

Stacks for the upcoming activities---above our Primary stuff with a CD player is ready for Sunday morning.  Below from the opposite direction is Jena's clothes for Provo, more blankets and food. The plastic bag is filled with a snack I am taking to work as we have a two day training on Monday and Tuesday.

It looks like a loading dock............but at least it was ready to go.

Ready for another week!!


Robynn said...

I LOVE your loading dock! What a lot of goodness is going on in your life. Thanks for sharing it with me. I never drive down Mission Ridge and pass Singletree that I don't wish you still lived there. Sometimes I pretend that you do and just smile and remember!
Love You,

Judy said...

I miss you and Plano too. I wish that I could live in so many places at once as I have so many wonderful friends scattered around. I still plan to make that BBQ lunch date with you and Julie again. That was an amazing moment and we need it again.