Sunday, October 15, 2017

Important Papers Arrived.....

I got my actual official diploma from Utah State this week.  Even the envelope said that it was a diploma and DO NOT BEND.  One of my cohort actually had her envelope and diploma bent despite the warning and has to get another one sent to her. Rude, right?

Then Jena sent this picture in a text to us on Friday.  It is her Food Handler's Permit.  She took and passed her test on Friday.  It think that means that all of our kids have had a food handler's permit.  I am not sure about Jessica but I think she did when she worked in childcare.  Scott, Ben and Tosha all have worked in food service industry at some point or another.
Yay, Jena!!! Good job on learning all of the stuff you needed to pass the test.

1 comment:

Gemie said...

Congratulations to both you and Jenna!!! So proud of you!