Sunday, January 22, 2017


Sometimes there can be a bit of a letdown when you get home from a trip but I had an extra bonus as my brother, Mike was in town for the evening.  He arrived while Jena and I were ushering at Centerpoint and had to leave this morning to catch his plane back to Lubbock Texas where he teaches at Texas Tech.  He came for a one day conference at Utah State on energy economic policies, his specialty.  The good news is that he might come for an extended stay at Utah State this summer to lead some research with students there.  That would be awesome.  I am already thinking about some fun things we could do so I hope it works out.

Mike is number three in my family and 2 1/2 years younger than me.  It was so great to stay up until 11:30 again to visit with him. (I did take a lon----ng nap this afternoon.)

Company is great and when it is a sibling, it is even more awesome!!! And I am in luck because I will see my brother Rick in a couple of weeks and then my sister Valerie the week after that.  Come on, Todd, Robin, Lynette, and Scott, when are you coming to visit me?  The room is always available.

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