Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017--it finally has arrived!!

I know that isn't a surprise to anyone. 2017 was bound to follow 2016.  However to me (and I would guess the other people in my MSW cohort) we have been looking forward to 2017 since we started our program in 2014.

It was three years ago at this time that I started and completed my application for a second masters in Social Work.  It was not an easy decision for me as I knew the work and time commitment that school requires.  I love school but it is a very "individual" goal which takes a lot from the whole family.  I wasn't sure I wanted to do that at this time of our lives. I also wasn't sure why I would want to do it if I really wasn't looking to create a career. I had determined the last possible date to register to take the entrance exam required for admittance and literally I decided on that last possible date to sign up for the MAT and then start the whole admission process which I completed in about 3 weeks and submitted the day before the due date in January of 2014. Although I had been praying for months if I should apply or not, it wasn't until the night that I had applied for the test and started the application process that I had an overwhelming feeling that this was exactly what our Heavenly Father wanted me to do and it was the time and the school and the fellow students that I was supposed to be connected with.  After 2 1/2 years, I would say that it truly has been a great blessing in my life.  I have loved school and been touched by all the other students and my professors as well as those I have worked with in my internships.  I have learned so much and had some great experiences and I know that will continue throughout the last two semesters.

Having said all of that, I am glad it is only two more semesters...August 2017, here we come!!

The other thing that has changed from 2014 until now are these sweet little grandchildren---and two more on their way!!!

Scarlett, Niki, Liam and Zander
I am sure that 2017 will be filled with high points and low points like all years tend to be on this mortal journey.  However I am looking forward to some awesome moments which I am sure will be make memories for the eternities.  I hope that it is the same for all of you!!!

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