Monday, January 20, 2014

2013--The Year of the Unexpected

On New Year Day and usually the few days prior I spend time thinking about the past year and looking ahead to the new one.  This year I haven't really done that in the usual way.  It didn't start off great as I was sick with a bit of a stomach thing on the actual first day of the year.  Also I had two big projects on my mind so it was hard to think of much past those two things.

I also think it is due in part with the whole of 2013.  Not that it was a bad year, just unexpected.  Ben spent most of the first 6 months of the year in and out of our local in-patient unit (no fun for any of us), I started off the year feeling in control of a majority of my time (and plans for filling it) and by February was knee-deep in UDSF conference planning and then as President in June--that is a crazy switch.  We had concerns about Gary's job and were considering taking early retirement if offered--then they announced the closing of his department (announcement in April for closure by November)so we cancelled our month long trip back east to visit historical sites. Layoffs occurred but we were blessed once again to still have a job.  And then the passing of my sister-in-law Valerie--so unexpected for so many reasons.  Of course there were great moments as well--Tosha and Austen's wedding in November; Jena's performing in her school play, visits with my old roommates from BYU--in person and on the phone; extended family gatherings for Gibersons and Halls--fun memories.  It was a great year-with highlights and difficulties.  I think it is called LIFE....

but how do you plan for all of that!!!! What goals or resolutions matter in the face of all of the "unexpected"?

I have decided there are only a few:
  • Cling to your Heavenly Father, His love for you and His plan of Happiness.
  • Know that Jesus Christ has done His part to implement that plan and He stands ready to take our burdens as we "leave" them at His feet.  (yes, we leave them at his feet--not drop them during prayer and then pick them up again on the way out the door)
  • Love everyone...and just be nice and always assume that they are trying to be nice as well.
  • Be the heart of your hearts keep that happiness going no matter the storm outside
And there is my list.  Good luck with 2014. The adventure awaits.

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