Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Giberson Races begins....

While construction continued at Valerie's house, we headed over to a nearby Church which we were using for our Opening Dinner and Pinewood Derby Race.

The set-up

Our logo for the reunion

The BBQ dinner is served...we had 40 people this year from Utah, Texas, and AZ
The Pinewood Derby Cars...We ended up with 29 cars,
 The three oldest Great grandchildren (Jay, Owen, and Audrey) are preparing to "reveal" the Reunion T-shirt.  Designed by my nephew, Niles, it included the Giberson Race logo on the front...
 And on the back, logos for each of the sponsering companies (which in our case were made up companies for each of the 8 siblings and my dad).  We were "Hall's Scouting Emporium".
The great grand children had orange shirts but the rest of us had grey shirts with orange writing which you will see in pictures from Saturday.

My dad spoke for a moment sharing his thoughts mostly on marriage to the young marrieds and then future marrieds in the family.

And then the races began  (again complete coverage of the race can only be found on the extended family blog---aren't you glad?)

Elmo car actually took top honors of the four-lap race!!
Way to go, Kristen!

Mine is the green car at the top--Gib-mobile after a green station wagon we had as kids
Ben's was the brown "Bedrock"
Gary's was the red truck in this heat.
And after the track was cleaned up and we had birthday cake for my dad who had celebrated his birthday a few days earlier...

A basketball competion began..........usually happens when you have a gym, a ball, and Gibersons.

End of the evening events.  Sweet dreams as it is a early wake-up call for those running the Giberson's verision of the Ipson Family and Friends 5K in the morning.  Check in 6:15 a.m.!

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