Sunday, November 14, 2010

"I walk in celebration of....

November is National Adoption Month and as part of the month long celebration, I attended an adoption walk down at Liberty Park in Salt Lake.  People dress in orange (not sure why orange?) and wore signs on their backs that said, "I walk in celebration of  ...and then you list who in your life is there because of adoption.  They ran out of signs before I arrived but mine would have said:  "I walk in celebration of my dad, his mom, Ramona and his birth mother, Viola, my own children Scott, Ben, Tosha, and Jena and their birth parents, and my niece, Lora and nephews David and Zech, and all of the wonderful birth parents and adoptive families I have know in my life......(and Jessica and Gary, too, because they are also part of our forever family)"  I would have needed two or three signs to get that all on one sheet!  Adoption has been a big part of my life both in our family, neighborhood, and also my volunteer and professional life.

Here is most of the group from Layton Families Supporting Adoption chapter.

We had another adoption event yesterday where we gathered at Boondocks a local fun center for a few hours of family fun....Jena and Gary had the fun and I helped collect money and manage clean-up as our agency was the host this year.  This was the first year that it was held in Davis County.  In the past, it was held just in Salt Lake county for the whole state.  This year we had 1000 people at our celebration and they had about 1300 in Draper.  The past high was 1100 in total so we were very excited.  Wendy's donated chili.  That was a lot of chili.......

Hug an adoptive child, birth parent, or family you know. 

On the way out of Libery Park which was beautiful at this time of the year, I drove past a line of trees where the leaves were falling like snowflakes.  It was so constant, the floating down of the leaves.  I pulled over and tried to get a picture of it, but it really didn't work too well.  If you look closely at the trunk of this tree you can see some orange leaves falling.  It was so amazing in person.

Enjoy your fall weather..............................

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