Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Hall-style

There her Owl sits with the pumpkins
who will "live" another day.

A ttribute to our Texas time

No more tricker-treaters in our house these days, but Jena still wanted to dress up for our annual Hall Halloween dinner at Aunt Valerie's--chili and scones. It is fun to see the cousins and visit for awhile. Since it was in our neighborhood, we took over our candy and had kids take one from our bowls too. The Primary kids liked showing their costumes to us and one of Gary's class instructed him to bring the "left over" candy to class on Sunday (And she was disappointed that he didn't, but trust me they all had had quite enough candy.) Gary wore our old "Twinkle" costume and got a lot of comments. He started instructing the kids to NOT call him a name and then they would promptly call him "Twinkle". The best line was from one of the nine year old girls in the ward. She didn't call him "twinkle" but after we had finished talking to them, she said with a total straight face, "You look good enough to eat." and then ran off. It was very funny at the time, not quite as much in the retelling but it was all in her delivery.

Then on Halloween Sunday we had our "Meal in a Pumpkin".  It is one of those things that I haven't done enough to actually call it a tradition but have done it off and on over the years enough so I would have thought the kids would remember it.  That was blown when Scott walked in with Chantel and said, "What is that?".  It is a type of stew and you rub off some of the cooked pumpkin into it as you dish it up.  I like it.
This year I put a face on it.

The weather was rainy and cold on Saturday when it was time for trick-n-treaters but there were moments when it stopped and we had beautiful rainbows.  For a time we had a double rainbow which I tried to take a picture of but it is hard to see the out side rainbow.  Now we are enjoying weather in the 60s and clear.

These are outside Gary's sister's house.  The sky was awesome
during the breaks in the rain.

Happy Halloween and welcome to November!
How many shopping days until Christmas????


Anonymous said...

you know mom, i have no memory of the meal in a pumpkin...or whatever it was that you called it.

Anonymous said...

i don't remember my loggin so i am posting this as anonymous:) - Jessica

Judy said...

These poor traditions that you tried to provide your children and they don't even remember. I did it more often when Jessica was little. Not so much if at all in Hong Kong...pumpkins were around but don't remember pumpkin meal again until off and on in the texas and Utah years. Sprry you all mixed it. It quite good. There are thosand of recipes on line so I am starting to try new ones. Come to dinner next year on the Sunday before Halloween and join us. (It might help if you RSVP so we make enough. :)