Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday afternoon thought......

Just a note:  I have written several posts today tryng to catch up.  You might want to run down about five posts and read from there up to here.

We had a run of bad news this week as Gary's mom was diagonised with breast cancer for the second time and my dad with prostate cancer.  It makes me sad that people have to deal with the challenges of physcial life and of course, it impacts everyone around them too.  However, I am grateful that there are options and choices for them and all of us because of living where we lived and the great blessings of medical care and financial resources.

A friend speaking in Church today reminded us of a quote from Elder Jeffrey Holland in which he stated:  "The blessings will always outweigh the burdens if we look around".  How true that always seems to be in my life although sometimes I have to look for them.  These tulips are one example.  I planted them last fall and because they are on the north side of our home and I must have planted them too deep, they bloomed much later than the rest of the neighborhood.  This picture was taken just a couple of days ago and they continue to bloom.  What a pretty sight to come home to!

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