Sunday, October 8, 2023

District Meeting--September 25

Gary and I had been asked by our district leader, Elder Miller, to do a workshop in district meeting talking about improving teaching.  We decided to do part of it on the white board.  As we were talking about it, I commented that Elder Smythe and Elder Campbell (our zone leaders but also in our district) wouldn't be at the meeting and they usually write on the board because they both have good printing skills.  Jena spoke right up and said that she would be Elder Campbell's replacement because she had good printing.

So she wrote the titles for our columns before the meeting started.  During our discussion, I wrote things on the board as we went along. 

However, at one point, when we were talking about solutions, one of the missionaries was talking about things centered on being yourself while you teach and not pretending.  That started a bit of conversation during which Jena wrote on the board "Be Yourself."  She put it in the right place and it was the perfect summary of what we were saying although I am not sure anyone said those exact words.  She amazes us continually with her understanding.

She did a perfect job filling in for Elder Campbell.

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