Sunday, January 12, 2025

Happy New Year, 2025.....

with a new year flight to Amarillo, Texas.  Jena and I flew out in the early morning hours of January 1st to go to Amarillo to visit my sister, Robin, and to help make plans for what are the next best steps for her.  She fell near the beginning of December, was in the hospital for about 10 days and now is in a rehab Center.  She is making good progress, but is likely require a wheelchair for most of her living.  Changes ahead....

Salt Lake City airport was still decked out with their Christmas trimmings. You can see we did have an early morning drop off.

We had a stop over in Denver and they had these interesting chairs which are oddly somewhat comfortable and a change from regular chairs.  I enjoyed "lounging" back and reading a book during part of our 3 hour layover.

Heading up to the plane which took us to Amarillo.

I think this is the only picture I took while we were in Amarillo.  We were busy visiting my sister and running errands around town.  We decided that it was time for her to move to Utah to be nearer to us and where other family members visit.  (The small stuffed dog was a gift from my brother, Scott, from his visit the week before.)  We started the process of packing up as well.
I did take a couple of other photos of some weird rash I had on my face when I woke up last Sunday morning in our rental house.  I actually think I had a fever during the night and day.  I took pictures to share with Gary to get some sympathy, but don't need to share them here.  It turned into a wide spread "sunburn" looking skin and is still recovering.  Weird for me, but I know people deal with all sorts of skin things.  I spent the day sleeping on the couch while Jena watched Christmas movies.  By Monday, I was feeling much better with some cold medication on board so I could help with some packing at Robin's.  We flew home on Tuesday.

Our hope is that Robin can stay at the Rehab Center until the end of February and then I will go get here and start the process of moving her here.  It depends on Medicare and Medicaid so it is a day by day situation. As they say, stay tuned!

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