Saturday, July 13, 2024

Happy Birthday, America! July 4th in Arkansas

The Mena elders had invited us to come to the branch BBQ at the Church on the 4th, so mid-morning we headed down there, following somewhat a new way that Gary had mapped out.

And of course, I got more pictures of hay bails--although it is not just the hay bales--it is the yellows and greens with the trees/hills in the background and the blue skies with fluffy white clouds that make it so appealing. 

Gary had found Frog Town on the map and was hoping that it was somewhere interesting to see, but all we could find in that location was this street sign.  We think perhaps the town renamed itself at one point.
Like I saind........

So Gary and I decided I needed a picture WITH an hay bale since I am just an admirer of them.  However, there was a ditch so I decided not to step into it in my dress and white dress shoes.  Sometimes you need to make the smart decision even if the photo suffers.....
So after leaving Frog Town and the hay bales, Gary saw a sign for Poteau Mountain Road and decided to leave his plan route and take that road instead...which was fine for the first 3 miles on paved roads, then turned into a nice gravel road....which went up the mountainside and around the mountain, and then became a dirt road....and then a dirt road with severe ruts in it from water flowing down....and then it turned into a dirt road with small mud puddles, and then the more we came down the mountain the bigger the puddles became until we had to drive through them to continue down the road.  No way to turn around so forward we went until finally we reached a paved road again.  Unfortunately, that took a bit more time than we planned, so we were about 30 minutes late for the BBQ...but they were happy to see us and there was plenty of food.

And our car....

Us with the Mena elders--Elder Neese and Elder Keyes...

While we were cleaning up, Elder Hall enjoyed some balloon volleyball with some of the kids.

The Mena Chapel is located by a lake.  This is what you see from the parking lot.
On the road again and heading back through Oklahoma on the way to Ft. Smith.....
And before getting to the border, another chicken...

All three of these are from the same yard.  How do you like the mail box?
Someone should write a book at the fun things to see in NW Arkansas.  People are so creative and have fun sense of humor (s?)......

We had thought we might go to Paris, AR, to see the fireworks, but that would have been another drive 50 miles east and I was too tired...we had more driving set for Friday (the next day) so opted for a fairly quiet night at home...with a few fireworks in the neighborhoods around us.

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