Monday, September 5, 2022

Family Time

The evening we got our call (last Tuesday--August 30), my dad headed back home to settle into his familiar places and with his computer again.  This past weekend, my niece, Lisa, and nephew, Paul--her brother--flew in from Arizona to spend some time with dad and Karla (and fortunate for us because we are close, we got to enjoy them, too.) Lisa stayed with Dad and Karla and Paul stayed with us.  It was a quiet but sweet weekend as they spent time with dad and Karla.

On Sunday night, Jessica came with Liam and Zander
so we got this four generation picture.
Liam was very excited to learn that I had a dad.

Paul and Lisa with Dad

It was great to hear Paul and Lisa talk about their memories of Mom and Dad. Lisa is the oldest granddaughter (daughter of my brother, Mike) and then Jessica, Paul, and Jarom came in the next "batch" of grandchildren about three years later.

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