Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Liam!

Liam turned 6 years old on Friday!!

He loves the color yellow and Batman  (just like his great Grandma Giberson), he loves dogs, learning to read, he loves to go camping but mostly to play in the lake when he goes, and loves his grandpa's white truck.

Because we were there on Thursday the day before his birthday, he opened our present to him a day early.

The next morning, Jessica sent this photo.  Liam had started working on building his Batman Lego set we gave him at 7:30 ("all by myself") and kept working until it was done and then played with it at least until 11:30 when Jessica texted us the photo.  Birthday gift win!


Side note:  He got to ride in his grandpa's truck when Jessica took Jena and I home on Thursday.  It was the first time, sitting in his tall car set in the back seat and he LOVED it.  He told us that he could see out of every window so he wouldn't need to ask us how long until we got there, because he could SEE where we were at.  I love how excited he was and how he could share that excitement with us.

And in case you were wondering, he did end up asking us how much longer until getting to our house---"because it was taking long to get there."  Since he had never been to our apartment yet, he really had no idea about how long it should take or what the familiar landmarks were for the journey.  Maybe next time!

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