Sunday, March 7, 2021

Marching Into March

I borrowed the title from my friend, Robynn Thiot, who also does a family blog almost weekly.  That described our week as well.

The main focus this week, of course, was our mission.  Much of what we do on our mission you don't really take pictures of to post on your blog--but it truly is a great experience.  We did two oral histories this week with mission presidents who served over 25 years ago--one in Alaska and one in California.  It is such a privilege to hear their sweet experiences and the great love they have for the Lord, the missionaries, and the places they served.  We had our  mission devotional with Elder LeGrand Curtis who serves as the Church Historian (Monday) and our zone devotional by a member of our zone (Wednesday).  

In addition, this week we spent some time on Zoom videoing our zone members introducing themselves and what they do for the Church History Library.  This is in preparation for the mission devotional on March 22nd that Gary and I are in charge of.  The purpose is to share with the mission what happens in our zone.  No one else has done something like this so we will see what happens.  However, we loved it--getting to talk to many of our zone members face to face on Zoom was a sweet experience. Now the problem is that we have about 12 minutes of material and we were planning on about 5-6.  Our zone members really supported the idea with about half of them participating.  I had provided a simple script which should have been under 25 seconds a person, but people added their own (very sweet touches) including their testimonies of their work, the love they have for the Church and Church history, etc.  Sweet things which make the whole thing very tender to us--but requiring some adjustments for our plans.  Gary has been working on that puzzle since Friday.  I am not going to talk as originally planned and we are going to re-film a couple of the introduction which were the longest. We will make it work.

The weather in Syracuse this week was beautiful so I enjoyed a few walks outside.  We are hoping to walk and start back on our weekly Sunday walks in the neighborhood later today as well.

On Friday, I headed to Bountiful Pond (although the sign calls it Bountiful Lake) and walked around it as well as bits of the Legacy Parkway Trail.  My eventual goal is to walk the whole trail the length of Davis County in bits and pieces--probably over the rest of my life.  :) It is something I consider is on my "secondary bucket list"--fun ideas but not required list!

I thought if I wrote a separate post about the walk--I would have called it "Two Bridges and a Tunnel"--I love bridges as you know and tunnels have a charm as well...and I love walking on new trails that I haven't been on before.

Clearly not enough snow on those mountains for the first week of March.  We have had very little snow this year so it is a worry for the water season.

Friday night I stayed at Jessica's with her four oldest kids.  Jessica returns to work on Monday after a 12 week maternity leave so an overnight getaway seemed to be appropriate.

Liam was very concerned that they took the baby with them.  He told me that Ezri wanted to spend the night with grandma just like they did.  When I pointed out that she needed to be with her mom to eat, Liam said that we could have fed her bottles and he would help.

Saturday was a pretty day except a bit windy so we spend a couple of hours in their backyard.

Our attempts at a selfie---Alex wanted to be in it, but couldn't sit still long enough for a good picture.  Liam said he loved this one!

Carter loved being outside.

Although this is designed for two kids to be back to back--Alex insisted on sitting front wards and leaned in to give Carter a hug.  It was sweet but I didn't have my camera ready for that moment.
We blew bubbles, read books and had a dance party with Alexa--all the normal grandmother things.

And that wrapped up our first week of March.

1 comment:

Lynette Giberson said...

I have enjoyed reading the blog. The pandemic experiences were very eye opening. And proved again to me how much thru this Pandemic we all our in the same storm but not in the same boat. I hope I will remember to write my experiences on the pandemic. A great thing for young children now to read when they are teenagers. And for those family members not yet born. To be able to read 40 or 50 years from now.