While I was very excited to take Jena and Emily down, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to actually stay at the fireside or just drop them off and go read a book somewhere. From time to time, I had listened to BYU devotions but often had felt that the topics are so centered on college aged life that they didn't really apply to where I was at. That, of course, is perfect for BYU devotionals and I assumed that this might be similar. As we couldn't catch up with anyone they knew, I decided to join them in the fireside and I was so glad that I did. It was amazing. What I gained was probably different than the others in the audience (I was probably one of the oldest people there along with others who I assumed served in Bishoprics in the stake and their wives.) I will share my thoughts after the photos.
One thing about a BYU stake meeting was how quiet it is. When you have NO children in the whole audience, it is quite noticeable. I had forgotten that. I can remember hearing my stomach or my neighbor's stomach growling on Fast Sundays at BYU.
Jena and Emily were both happy they went and enjoyed the meeting. During the question and answer portion, Elder Renlund stood on the far side of the podium with a wearable mic and made funny or insightful one-liners when the others were talking. He has a great sense of humor and the students loved that side of him. Me, too. It was seeing a different angle of his personality. One of the questions which Elder Wohan chose to answer was: "What advice do you know now that you wished you knew at our age?" Elder Wohan laughed and said: "Don't let your body get old." Elder Renlund said, "That is called premature death. Don't tell them that.. We get old." The audience loved that.
Afterwards, we ran into Katey, one of their roommates and took a moment for photos and to talk. There were a couple of other students that knew Jena or Emily who stopped by as well.
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Hugs are always parts of greetings and good byes! |
1. As questions were asked and answered, I realized that I could have answers those questions and would have done so in a similar way. The Renlunds and the Wohans are similar in age to Gary and I. The Wohans were meeting each other at BYU near the same time that Gary and I were there. Although our life experiences have been different, we shared many of the same understandings about our Heavenly Father, our relationship with Christ, and the workings of the Holy Ghost. It reminded me that there are many life journeys and our Heavenly Father can lead us back to Him through the Atonement of Jesus Christ by following the direction of the Holy Ghost. That was a sweet awareness that the principles and life lessons can come in many ways but take us to the same place.
2. Sis. Ruth Renlund (as an aside, she is the daughter of Merlin and Nola Lybbert who lived in Hong Kong when we did) spoke about going through ovarian cancer and then praying about what she should do. At that time, her husband was serving as Bishop and in medical school and they have one daughter who was three years old. She was praying about what they should do and she was told that their family was complete and she should go to law school. I was struck by that because this would have been near the same time that we (Gary and I) were seeking our own directions about building our family. Her answer- "law school and one child"; my answer- "master's in school psychology and five children-four through adoption"(to be clear my original answer was graduate school--the whole five children part came slowly over many years.). Two daughters of our Heavenly Father praying with the same intention and goals and two different answers. Both perfect for each of us on our journey in mortal life. Each of us have been able to impact the world around us in different ways--hopefully in the ways that our Heavenly Father needed from us. Our Heavenly Father knows us each individually perfectly and will direct our paths if we seek Him.
and 3. Elder Renlund is an apostle of Jesus Christ. Frequently in his remarks he referred to his role as a witness of Jesus Christ and each time, I felt that sweet confirmation that Elder Renlund was testifying of truth. Like Peter, James and John, Elder Renlund can witness about who He is and bear witness to the overarching mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ. His testimony was confirmed in my own heart. That became a sweeter blessing when a week later I received my assignment to use his recent conference talk- "Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ" as I taught Relief Society at the first part of December. The Relief Society Presidency did not know that I had just heard him speak in such a setting, but it added strength to my testimony of his words. I guess it was another version of "Our Heavenly Father knows us each perfectly...."
One last comment: Elder Renlund, earlier in his opening remarks, made the following statement (paraphrasing): "However good, brilliant, energetic, and amazing you think Pres. Nelson is, know that he is even better than that."
Needless to say, I was glad that I was the "designated driver" for Jena. That was an amazing experience--totally unique for me--from others that were there. However, I know that it was amazing for them as well.
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