Sunday, November 18, 2018

Weekend 1--November 2018

Friday was spent in a morning AOT meeting which is an advisory board which I sit on as a "parent of someone with a severe mental illness."  It was my first meeting and prior to it I had asked the chairman what I needed to read to prepare for the meeting.  He sent me some links but then said that I didn't need to feel like I needed to prepare for the meeting, but I simply needed to represent families.  I thought, well he doesn't know me very well yet.  If I am going to sit on a board, I certainly want to understand the purpose of the board and how to do my part the most effectively.  I left there and went straight to work.  Yes, I know it was a Friday, but I had left early on Halloween and had some clients who needed to do a Friday.........and another Friday was done!

Saturday we (Gary's mom, Jena, Gary, and I) went to the Hale Theater and watched "The Scarlett Pimpernel" and it was amazing.  It is both a compelling and funny story.  We have seen it before, but well worth seeing it again in the new theatre.

I did manage to clean the bathrooms in the morning which was useful as I knew I was going to be gone the next two weekends. Score one for housekeeping!

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