Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ode to Weekends

Before I catch up the blog with all of the things which has happened over the past three weeks, I wanted to throw in my "Ode to the Weekend."

Back in the first of September, I cut my hours at work from 36 to 32 which meant that I could have every Friday off rather than a day off every other week.  I was feeling that I had too much to do outside of work and wanted to have time to do some other things--be with my family more, help Jena with homework, manage appointments easier, clean the house, yard work, and the list goes on.  You probably have a similar list whether you work or not outside of your home.  Those lists can go on for days and it can feel hopeless and endless. 

It is now the third weekend in November and I was realizing that I have yet to really do anything on that list.  I am still scraping by to keep the house together, keep Jena organized, and maybe cook a meal now and then.  I have not had a back to back Friday and Saturday at home since that time.  I was feeling a bit discouraged about that until I took a moment and thought about the amazing things that I have done over the past 2 1/2 months which were made easier BECAUSE I had taken that step to cut my hours.  I had not really looked at my schedule prior to that decision other than having a vague thought that I wanted to be able to help with the twins after they arrived.  (which hasn't really happened either.  Luckily Jessica and Elessia are amazing and the babies have been good babies.)  I am so grateful that I had followed that prompting and shortened my hours despite my worries about my caseload and getting my licencing hours, etc.  It reminds me that Heavenly Father is not only aware of me but also of my future and He truly seeks to "succor" me in the middle of daily living.

All of the things I have done instead of working on Friday have been or will be written about in this blog.  They have been a collection of adventures, plays, football games, vacations, a conference, service projects, etc.  All of them have been positive things in my life.  Thinking about the things I have been able to do, I realized how richly blessed I have been--not just in the past few months, but in my life in general.  As I have traveled, I realized I live in a country that allows me to come and go as I want to; as I work with clients, I am grateful for my education; as I attend meetings I am grateful for skills to make a difference in the world we lives in; when I go to plays or attend a football game I am grateful for the talents of others; and the list goes on.

I guess it is appropriate that in this month that we celebrate Thanksgiving that the overriding feeling despite not getting anything done on my list of to dos for my "free" Fridays or weekend Saturdays is of gratitude.  I am so blessed.

I just wanted to say that.....back to the blog posts.

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