Sunday, April 10, 2016

Swimming again

We fit in some swimming with Scarlett and Liam this week.  Jessica took the train up from Salt Lake while Elessia was working and we grabbed Scarlett and headed to the Rush.



Jessica and Liam

For some reason, Scarlett liked laying on her back this evening.  Rarely she would actually be deep enough to float for a second but it made her excited.  Then she saw Jena swimming under the water and tried to put her face into the water.  That only lasted a second because she couldn't figure out the shutting her mouth and breathing.

Afterwards, both babies got on their striped pjs but getting a cute picture wasn't working out so well.

Even Jena and Scarlett couldn't both look and smile at the camera.
Liam was happy to smile but not Scarlett.  She wanted to brush her hair.

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