Sunday, July 14, 2019

Getting Ready!

In mid-June I was trying to pull the house together for an almost 8 week stay with Tosha and her three kids.  Although my children had all survived with blinds with strings, etc. I used the opportunity to get new blinds in the kids' bedroom (and the kitchen and the game room) which were all really needed.  I also got some fun sheets for the grandkids!

From my old office--I hung it in the grandkids' bedroom
because Liam and Zander are such ABC lovers.
It was a weird time--getting ready for Tosha to arrive and preparing for Scott and Chantel to move to AZ. 

But now we have a place for anyone to stay when they come and visit us.  (Even you can sleep on a bed with airplane sheets if you want to come and visit!)

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