Sunday, January 21, 2018

I gasped....

...when I left work last Thursday.  I had had a busy day and basically was in my office with no time to gaze out the window.  I don't know if that is why the colors of the night sky were so striking to me.  I literally gasped out loud at the beauty and stood and soaked it in.  It was a couple of minutes later as I stood by my car that I decided to get a picture and even then the lights and colors had changed slightly and it wasn't quite the same.  And the photos never match the intensity of nature at its peak!
I love the top of the old church in the distance.
I don't know what options there are when we are making our own world millions of years from now, but I am definitely on the "Earth" plan....sun, clouds, moon, stars, and clouds---it is a masterpiece every day.

In Primary, the leaders are talking a lot about the Primary children noticing things which shows them that Heavenly Father loves them.  This was one of those moments for me!  And I am glad to share it with you.

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