Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Costume Department

Since Jena was in junior high, she has wanted to work in the costume department at the Hale Theatre and help make hats and props.  She has taken a step closer to that goal as she started volunteering in the costume department of Centerpoint theatre for an hour a week just before she ushers.  She puts away fabric and cleans the closet one shelf at a time.

If you love fabric, this would be the job for you.  Jena and I talk about what type of costumes the fabric could be used for or what show would this fabric be good for?  My mom would have enjoyed this with Jena.  (I like being with Jena but folding isn't my favorite task.)

These pictures were taken on the day we worked on the "white" shelves.  We learned that there are lots of different colors of white.

 Here is a look at the closet from the white section looking towards the door.  There are shelves along the other side as well filled with the pinks, yellows, and reds plus curtain and furniture fabrics.  Blacks, greys and silver are behind us as well as costume parts of all kinds waiting to be used again.
Jena learned to fold as part of the Montessori curriculum in pre-school.  She is a great helper with folding laundry and now it is helping her towards her goal.

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