Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Backyard Visitor

Ben happened to be looking out our window and saw this beautiful pheasant sitting on our neighbor's fence.  He got this picture while I ran to grab my camera and try to get a picture (I didn't).  It was amazing to see such a wonderful bird in the backyards of our subdivsion.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Good Night Thanksgiving!

I don't know about you, but it makes me a bit sad to take down my Thanksgiving decorations at the end of November (and actually they aren't completely down yet and the only Christmas change I have made is on this blog page.)  It is not because I have such wonderful decorations or that I don't like my Christmas things.  I just like the simple reminders of thankfulness and the colors of fall in my house.  I don't like the rush to Christmas lights and trees even before the turkey is cooked.  If you are one who does that, it is great.  Christmas is wonderful, too.  But for me, it is just now time to say "Good Night Thanksgiving".

Thanks for the blessings that abound in our lives of food, shelter, employment, and most of all, the gospel.

Thanks for family---Halls and Gibersons of all ages.
So exciting to add twins, Max and Sophee Giberson (nephew Paul and wife Randee), right before the holiday.

Thanks for friends, community, and the beautiful fall colors of Utah
depsite the amazing windstorm on Friday.
I felt like I was right at home--in Richland, WA, or Amarillo, TX--both known
for daily winds.  However many of our friends and others nearer
the mountains had winds over 100 miles fly in and many lost fences, roofs, trees, etc.

Thanks for the reminders to stop and count blessings even when things are tough.
They are there to be counted everyday.
I helped Jena record three blessings she saw each day for the weeks before Thanksgiving.
That was a sweet experience as I saw life a bit more from her eyes.
You certainly want to be counted as a blessing by Jena--as all of her dad, siblings, sweet YW leaders, Bishop, seminary teacher, and friends were.

Thanks to the pilgrims who came to this country and for this county itself.
How luck we are to be Americans.

Thanks for another reminder to remember!


So, good night Thanksgiving
and the cute decorations.
Hopefully we won't forget your messages to be thanksful and remember to count our many blessings.

Now let the Christmas Fun begin.........
shopping is well underway, packages ready to be mailed, the "Hall Almost Annual Adult Christmas Party" is set for Saturday, and Christmas Card letter almost prepared.  I am so excited....
if only I could think of what to give Gary.