Sunday, May 7, 2023

Morning Walks

The Ritters told us that it was a 1.5 mile loop to walk from one end of our street to the other and back which includes two small hills.  It is a beautiful walk although the roads have no shoulders, no sidewalks, and sometimes the sides are quite steep so you have to pay attention to cars passing by.  Fortunately, there are not many cars in this country neighborhood.

This is Armistead Street.

Several of the homes have horses.  Most of the houses are set far back from the road with fields or yard in front. 

One morning a cloud was just sitting on our hilltop and walking that morning was like walking through a mist of tiny raindrops.
It was also a bit chilling that day.  However, this past Saturday, I did my walk about 9:30 am, temp was 77 degrees and the humidity was 81%---it was not fun and I am remember how much humidity saps your strength.  Fortunately, although the temp went up to 90 that day the humidity did drop to a more reasonable 50 % by afternoon.

Regardless, it is a pretty walk and a great way to start a day.

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