Sunday, May 9, 2021

Our New Walk To Church

We have lived in our apartment since May 1st and so now we are walking to Church for Sacrament meetings.  We have a bit of an interesting route I thought I would document--not as exciting as our trips to Church in Hong Kong, but it has its own flavor of adventure.

Because of how our building straddles a whole city block, we can either exit out our building and walk down a hill and around to the corner to cross to Temple Square OR we can head through our building--

That means we walk to the elevator on the 6th floor, go down to the first floor, walk through the building, across a walkway between the buildings, down a hallway to another set of elevators and go from the 6th floor in that building to the first floor, through the lobby and out on the sidewalk on South Temple. From there, it is a straight walk west across State street to Temple Square past the Beehive House, the Lion House, Church Administration Building, and into the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and up the stairs to the Chapel.  It looks a bit like this:

Blurry I know but real life with Gary and Jena as my walking companions!

This is a view of the Joseph Smith Building from across the street--not the view we had as we walked there.  The chapel is on the east side of the building on the mezzanine floor.
And we do the same in reverse--not only for Church meetings but for any of the mission functions we attend.  Our mission office is on the third floor of this building as well, directly over the chapel area.

What is the most unusual way you have traveled to a church meeting? Have you written it down for your family?

Have a great Sunday.

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