Sunday, May 23, 2021

Another Piece of the Legacy Parkway Trail

 Actually it was the Denver-Rio Grande trail.  I am trying to walk different pieces of the Legacy Parkway Trail--eventually I want to have walked every part of it from north Davis county to the south end of the county. However, when I went to walk on Friday--

(Sidenote:  The Legacy Parkway Trail itself is about 14 miles long, but it hooks up with other trails which go north to the border of Davis County.) 

the trail section I wanted to go on was being worked on, so I headed down the route indicated for the detour which was this rail trail which is just about a mile or so west of the Legacy Parkway Trail.

To the west towards Antelope Island, you can see two common sites in Davis County--barns and farmland....

and construction of new subdivisions.

To the east another barn, mountains, and beautiful skies with white pretty clouds.
It was another nice walk on a spring day.  I hope you have somewhere nice to walk today as well.

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