Sunday, January 12, 2020

Temple Visit

If you want to have a sweet experience, take Jena Hall with you to the temple and do a session.  Just walking through the halls with her, people notice and give her special smiles and sweet greetings.  In that place as in no other place in the world, they understand who she is and understand that her contribution is exactly right and they stand ready to help when needed. There is no worry about her pace!  One word, one moment at a time is good enough.

This was our first trip to do endowments at the Bountiful Temple so we took a few pictures.  She reminded me that she had been there a couple of times to do baptisms for the dead when she was younger with Gary and the YW.

Love the clouds 'shooting up' behind the temple steeple.

We got out around 4:30 so the sun was starting to set over the Great Salt Lake.  The Bountiful Temple has a gorgeous view of the lake, Antelope Island, and the Salt Lake Valley, especially at this time of day.

Thanks, Jena, for sharing the afternoon with me in the temple.

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