Sunday, January 11, 2015

Christmas Dinner 2014

This year I decided to do a full blown dinner with turkey, ham and all of the trimmings.  Since I didn't cook a Thanksgiving dinner, I was missing the leftover turkey and stuffing.  I won't normally do that type of dinner but it was good for this first time.

We were excited to wake up to a White Christmas.  It was the first real snow fall of the season. 
Grandma Hall's house on Christmas
However, the downside of it was that Grandpa Giberson and Karla and David and Dawn and girls all decided to be safe and stay home that evening rather than worry about the storm and icy roads.  SO we had a smaller group than we expected (more leftovers) but it still was a very nice evening.

The center of the evening was not dinner although that was good:

 Games were fun:

Christmas Scene "on your head" drawing
Grandma Hall won.
Pull back car races
No, the highlights were Scarlett and Niki and watching all of my children enjoying both babies so much.  They are keepers for sure.
Tosha and Niki, Jena, Chantel and Scarlett
Scott getting to know Niki while
Austen and Tosha are talking to Scarlett.
Ben holding Niki for the first time.

Always good to taste your cousin to make sure
he is the right one.
Austen, Tosha, Niki and Grandma Hall
I love this picture of Niki and Jena looking at each other.
Sometimes rolling over gets you in a tricky spot.
The two of them played on the mat during all of dinner.
It was handy that neither of them are quite mobile enough
to reach the other.  Scarlett has been working on crawling though
so those times are now over.

My two little grandchildren in their Christmas pjs
from Mrs. Claus.  I couldn't imagine this picture
when I bought the pjs as I expected Niki to
be wearing his in Oklahoma.  How awesome.
It will likely be four years until they are together again
as Christmas.
Merry Christmas to one and all!  Hope your 2014 holiday was filled with happy and fun memories, too.

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