On Monday, I apparently woke up with a bit more energy that I usually have in the morning and I cooked a "real" breakfast (not for dinner, a holiday, or when we are out of milk) but for no good reason...that always makes me feel "like a good wife". We then read the scriptures without feeling rushed as it seems we often feel. Then my day proceeded smoothly...I exercised, put a dinner in the crock pot, no disruptions, no reason to have a negative thought...At mid-morning the thought occurred to me that this had been a "perfect day"...and then the thought quickly followed that I better head to bed before I messed it up. However, it did turn out to be a simply nice day, peaceful, nothing major accomplished--just the daily things of my life (that were on my planner) and of my children's lives. Presidency meeting, errands, watching the older kids at their first scuba diving lesson. Just simply nice. I guess that I have enough of the busy, hectic, non-peaceful days that this struck me as such a perfect day. I hope that you have a simply nice day too.
My sister has a quote in her kitchen that applies, but she is not currently home to tell me what it is exactly. It goes something like: "Life is beautiful....just a ordinary miracle." So it is.
Have a great simply nice day too.
I just got your message...
"Life is beautiful"
Then the quote under it says "It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today."
Love the quote and I LOVE you. Nobody deserves a "Perfect" Day as much as you do. Have another tomorrow. Love, Rob
This just reminded me that I wanted to get that quote from Aunt Valerie for my house. I love that song "Ordinary Miracle" by Sarah Maclachlan.
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