A couple of weeks ago, Gary and I decided to invite a couple of couples over on a Friday night to play some of our new Christmas games. We invited two couples that are good friends but our lives are busy and we rarely get to talk or visit anymore. Then on Friday morning, Jessica called to see if we wanted to go to dinner and the movie with her that night. We explained that we had plans so we had to pass. After weeks of no plans, we had two things to do. Then within a few hours, both of our friends called to say that they had things that came up that they had forgotten and couldn't come that night, and it was too late to go with Jessica. We ended up staying home, but we were able to get a variety of things done that we hadn't planned on...which was good for me because I ended up getting a couple of migraines the following week, and it was good that I had things done. So it kinds of worked out (even though we still want to play games with our friends, of course.)
Then for yesterday, we had tried to put together a Cub Scout Committee Meeting/dinner/game night to finish our plans for the Blue and Gold Banquet next month. Mid-week, it turned out that more than half of the people couldn't attend so we moved it to a Sunday after Church meeting instead. Later that same night, Jena got invited to go to a Jazz game on Friday (with one parent) with her Special Olympics team. He was glad that our Scout meeting had been cancelled and they had a great time. I decided to join our Families Supporting Adoption Chapter at a temple session at the Ogden Temple. It was very nice and as it happened, my mother-in-law got asked to sub in the temple that night and she was able to come home with me after the session instead of waiting for her ride. So even though our plans didn't work, other good things happened for us anyway.
Simple I know...but sometimes I need to remind myself that living in the present and enjoying things is the best way to live.
Scripture for the post: I was reading in the D&C at the temple and reread this favorite scripture in section 64:33-34:
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind: and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days."
Important advice to busy me..............................
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